After a serious accident in the Alps, John Murphy, CEO at 8West in Ireland, realised that the tracking and alerting products available on the market could be improved. As an engineer he knew that better, more accurate technology could be harnessed to improve safety. John began to develop ideas with the intention of creating the world’s most robust, effective and ultimately safest tracking and alerting solutions.
From his efforts the SafeTrx brand was born, which harnesses world-leading technology to provide safety for people, workers and adventurers in many situations. A partnership with technology giant Sony soon followed, resulting in the launch of the SafeTrx app on the Sony Msafety Wearable.
Creative strategy:
The team at 8West deeply understand technology, but knew the motivation to discover and purchase their innovative products actually starts in an emotional place. They needed their emerging brand to be able to communicate more than just facts and figures. Safety is ultimately about the most precious thing of all – human lives. Our creative strategy was to develop a brand expression for SafeTrx that could communicate the vital emotive, life-saving benefit of SafeTrx while also being able to impart rational, technical information.
Market research revealed a very dry, rational and technology focussed sector. We created a distinctive brand expression that is technical and human to stand out. Sharp, accurate graphic elements combine with emotionally-led human imagery. We provided clear tone of voice guidance, both visually, and in copywriting. Crucially, our approach met with the approval of Sony’s global team, and allowed SafeTrx to launch the product.
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