#unwiredweekends – Haigh Woodland Park
If you're a parent you have probably read headlines like this and felt the guilt begin to rise:
“Three-quarters of UK children spend less time outdoors than prison inmates – survey” Guardian 2016.
Getting kids off their screens occasionally and outside is a Good Thing. However, in the real world when the weekend comes along, your brain is probably trying not to think about anything at all.
So ideas as to how and where to unplug your kids from their devices are sometimes hard to think of. Well, at least for me, I'd always end up taking them to the same old places. So this little series hopefully helps you with some ideas and places.
The first place is Haigh Woodland Park.
What is it: A park run by Wigan council – and a pretty good day out. Crazy golf, donkey rides, woodland, a great new playground, a food court and even a bar.
Where is it: Near sunny Wigan – here's the Google maps link
How much is it: Not too bad, parking is around £3. The crazy golf was a little steep, but over all prices are good.
What do the crazy people on the internet think of it: In general everyone loves this place – click here to have a look on Tripadvisor.
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