Five possible ways we (a specialist outdoor creative agency) could celebrate being in business for 5 years.

1. A series of humblebrag Linkedin posts where every sentence starts with ‘We….’. Obviously we’d use lots of green tick emojis even though they are really annoying for people using screen readers.

2. Throw a party with a free bar (But only for an hour, we know what outdoor people are really like).

3. A long self indulgent post from the founders using phrases such as ‘smashing it’ and ‘let’s go!’.

4. Colin the Caterpillar.

5. A series of “FIVE things” posts over the next 5 weeks which try to be as helpful as possible to clients, outdoor industry people, outdoor brands, other agencies, and freelancers. Covering issues such as thriving in changing times, brand building, lessons from failure, lessons from success, with the odd shot of a mountain chucked in.

So what do we all think?

Number 4?


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