Helping REAL quietly punch above their weight.
Communication for brands from the world of boxing is all ‘crash, bang, wallop’. The tone is about conquering. Winning. Physically beating your opponents and being the ‘best’.
Traditionally within boxing, power has meant strength, and in particular strength over others. This type of power isn’t what the REAL brand is about. The world is already too full of aggression and ego, of ill-considered noise and ‘shouty’ personalities.
Armed with this truth, we set about developing a distinctive creative territory for clothing brand REAL. A visual narrative theme based on focus, dedication, humility, determination and a lack of ego. A considered difference from the usual ‘win at all costs’ brand narratives out there.
“If all around is noise. Chatter. Distraction. Take a deep, deep breath.
You are this moment. Now steel your soul and move.
Forge yourself anew on the fire of your doubts.
Build a mind of grit and determination.
Persistence is power.
Effort is power.
Quiet is power.”
“I was first recommended to Outside of Ordinary as an excellent independent marketing agency with an outdoor sports specialism. Their background experience, their personal passion for technical gear coupled with the range of insightful questions asked, convinced me that they 'got' just what I was hoping to achieve. After some great organisation and clear communication, they delivered a plan of action. Phase 1 - 'Diagnosis and Direction' - the results of which showed me that these guys knew where we were going, why we wanted to go in that direction, how far we needed to go and how we would get there, precisely. Phase 2 - 'Distinctiveness' - the creative identity they curated exceeded my best expectations. They'd carved out multiple options that emphasised certain brand characteristics and the option we decided upon was our mutual favourite. It is both distinct and elevated. We've been on the same page since day-1”
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